As Elton John would have said, you can tell everybody this is your song.
Copyrights are all about security. Music copyrights provide the legal protection of your music, and other artists’ music.
The world of copyright can be a complicated one, but as an artist or creator it is vital you understand how your work is protected by the law and how to ensure you have the protection you need.
Your copyright is free and is applied automatically. The track must be filed in some way, maybe in a written down copy or a recording that you’ve got saved. You can’t have a copyright to a tune in your head, unless you have it filed or recorded in some way.
Check out our blog on everything you need to know about copyright.
We’ve also created a handy YouTube video on copyright below!
If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!
See also:
How do I notify RouteNote of a copyright infringement?
Does copyright on a sound recording expire?
What are the common mistakes to avoid so I don’t have artwork copyright issues?