The lost and found centre for your releases 🙌
In your discography, you will be able to see all the releases you have distributed through RouteNote.
You will be able to view and access your releases from your discography, whether they’re in Action Needed, In Review, Approved, or Removed from Sale.
To get to your discography, you’ll need to be logged into your RouteNote account.

From here hover over ‘Distribution’ and you’ll see some drop-down options – select ‘Discography’.
Now you should be able to view all of your releases in one place. You can even search for releases using the artist name, release title, UPC or ISRC to save time scrolling through.

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!
See also:
Why are some of my releases on my discography pink?
How can I make changes to my release?
Why has my approved release gone back into review?