Various stores with various artists 🤯
RouteNote classes 4 or more Primary artists as Various Artists or Compilation releases. This means that your release will land on Various Artist artist pages on all your chosen stores.
Please note! Spotify usually considers 4 or more Primary, Remixers, With and Composer artists as Various Artist releases.
So, if you have less than 4 primary artists, your release may not appear as a Various Artists release on other stores but might on Spotify.
Compilations, or Various Artists releases, will still credit all the individual artists on stores. On Spotify, for example, the primary artist on the track will be listed underneath the track title. Clicking on the artist name will take you to the linked artist page.
If you do not want your release to be listed as a Various Artists release, you need to make sure you have less than 4 of the above listed artists. You may wish to consider changing some of the primary artist’s roles to another artist role.
If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!
See also:
What does a compilation or various artists release mean?
How do I link my Spotify artist profile within my release metadata?
How do I format artists in multiple track releases?