User profiles are great, but artist profiles might just be greater 💪
Artist profile
Once your release has been approved, it will be distributed to all your selected stores within 7-14 days. If you have selected Spotify, your release will appear on the store and a new artist profile will be made for you if you have not already got one. You’ll be able to click on the artist page, and view it as anyone else could (providing you’ve selected all territories). Your artist page will have all your songs, so your fans can view your songs/albums as a collection – altogether.
With some stores, you’ll be able to claim your artist page. When you claim the artist page, you’ll sometimes be able to view your statistics using a site specifically for artists. For example, Spotify uses
With some stores, like Tidal, you can only customise your artist page. What you would do with this type of artist page is contact us at with all the details you need (image, bio, artist page URL, etc) and we will request that your artist page is updated with the store. Please head to our Support Hub article for specifics on what you’ll need to send us for customisation. For further information on customisation and claiming your artist page, click here!
If you claim your artist page, rather than request that it is personalised/updated, you can usually update your artist page yourself within your artist account with the store, this would depend on the store.
You can see an example of an artist profile below:

User profile
Your user profile is different – this account is for personal use. This is the account that listeners can use to listen to music on Spotify. You can see on this profile your public playlists, recently played artists, your followers, who you follow, and your top tracks and artists.
You can see an example of a user profile below:

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!
See also:
What are Spotify Promo Cards?
What is track linking on Spotify?
When will I see my Spotify statistics?