What is RouteNote Publishing?

Grab the briefcase, bring your notepad, let’s get down to business! 📈

Musicians generally don’t think enough about music publishing; managing royalties and protecting copyrights can seem like a mundane task. But it’s important to collect the royalties you’re owed when your music is sold, licensed, or performed.

You could be entitled to:

  • Performance Royalties
  • Mechanical Royalties
  • YouTube Micro Synchronization Royalties
  • Neighbouring Rights

Some benefits of RouteNote Publishing

1. Get more royalties;
RouteNote Publishing unlocks mechanical royalties for songwriters, meaning you’ll get the most from your music.

2. You can be flexible;
You decide what songs you’d like to onboard to Publishing and select the royalty types you’d like us to collect on your behalf.

3. There’s no upfront cost;
We take a small 15% from monthly royalties, and you get all the rest!

4. You’ve still got your independence;
You do not have to distribute your music through RouteNote to work with the RouteNote Publishing team. 

5. Build a collection;
Find all of your royalties in one place and free up your time for music-making.

6. We’ve partnered with industry leaders;
RouteNote can manage all of your royalties no matter where you are, because we’re partnered with every major collection agency.

How do I get started?

To get started, just send an email to publishing@routenote.com.

Also see our blog post on music publishing below!

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!

See also:
What type of royalties do RouteNote collect?
What do I do if someone’s stolen my music?
What is a sync license?

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