You might need to make it up with your Pay-Pal
Our automatic payment period runs from the 15th to the 20th of each month – your payment may be made at any point during this period.
If you haven’t received your earnings by the 20th, then we’d suggest going through this article before getting in touch with the support team. You can read more about when you get paid in this article.
One reason why you may not be receiving your funds, is if your PayPal account is limited. Limited PayPal accounts may have restrictions with receiving payments, or sending and withdrawing funds.
There are many reasons why your account may be limited. You can find these by heading to PayPal’s help article! If your account is limited, you should receive an email from PayPal letting you know of this, along with the reasoning.
For further help and guidance on this, please head to PayPal’s article on the subject, which can be found by clicking here.
If you have any further queries regarding PayPal, please head to PayPal’s Help Centre.
If you have any questions regarding RouteNote, feel free to get in touch with us!
See also:
Where is my payment?
Are there any transaction fees involved with receiving my earnings?
Is there a minimum payout amount?