What is track linking on Spotify?

Linking you and Spotify‘s inventive strategies.

You are able to re-upload your music without losing your stream count on Spotify, using their automatic track linking procedure.

Spotify will automatically attempt to link tracks that match already existing content. If a match is found, the play counts for the linked tracks will be collected together and the total amount of plays will be displayed on both your tracks.

Please don’t upload duplicate releases or releases that are identical with RouteNote – this will be automatically detected by our site and you won’t be able to send it to moderation.

In order for your tracks to correctly link, you’ll need to ensure the metadata (e.g. your artist name/s, song title, song length etc.) matches the existing track on Spotify. Each piece of metadata that doesn’t match decreases the chance of it being linked.

In order to prevent downtime, we recommend letting us know once your new release has been approved and the old release has successfully track linked before requesting the removal of the release. This helps to ensure that play counts and playlist placements remain.We can then remove the ‘old’ version for you so that you don’t have duplicate content on stores.

You can check whether your tracks are linked by according to the instructions as follows:

  • Open the Spotify desktop app
  • Head to your artist profile
  • Take a look at the play count next to the song

📌 Please note! If the play count doesn’t appear, make the app window wider.

If the play counts match, badabingbadaboom, the tracks have linked!

If your tracks still don’t link, you can try to contact Spotify’s support by clicking here.
To find out more about track linking, head to Spotify’s article by clicking here.

See also:
Can I edit or replace the audio on my release after it has been approved?
How does Spotify count a stream?
How do I link my Spotify artist profile within my release metadata?

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