It’s time to think about exactly when you want your content to be released ⏰
Not only can you select the date you’d like your release to go live on stores, but you can also select the time.

You can select the timezone for even more control over promotion – there are 40 timezones to choose from.
You’re able to toggle between two different time options:
Go Live at local time – set the release to go live in each region once they reach the time set by yourself
Go Live at – set the release to go live everywhere at the time and timezone selected by yourself
You can add a release time when creating your release or when updating your release.
Here’s a list of our partner stores that currently support this feature:
- Spotify
- YouTube Music
- Deezer
- Tidal
- Amazon
- TikTok
- Nuuday
- Netease
- Kuack
- Tencent
- Pandora
Find out how to add this to your release by clicking here!
Top tip! Let your Instagram followers know about your new release coming up, use a countdown (sticker) in your stories to get them excited!
If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!
See also:
How do I make sure my release goes out on a certain date?
What’s the difference between my original release date and my sales start date?
How long will my release be in review?