As the Chuckle Brothers would say, to me to you 👈
If the moderation team sends your release back to you for changes, your release will look like this. Go ahead and click on Fix Release when you’re ready to go!

Here you’ll be able to see the moderator’s comments:

Once you’ve read the comments, you can then proceed by making any necessary changes to your release or send an email to with any evidence or information. Please note! Ensure to include your UPC and username within this.
After this has been done, if you like, you can add any additional comments in the comments box if you like. Then click Submit to Moderation to send your release back to our moderation team for review.
If you have any issues, or if you don’t understand the comments left for you by our moderation team, please reach out to for further guidance.
If you have any other queries, feel free to get in touch with us!
See also:
What does ‘Action Needed’ mean?
What does my release status mean?
What do releases ‘In Review’ mean?