What is Discovery Mode?

Are you an explorer? Because you’ve just found a GREAT discovery 🌍

RouteNote have partnered with Spotify to offer our artists access to their new marketing tool; Discovery Mode.

Through algorithms that determine personalised listening sessions, Discovery Mode increases the likelihood of certain tracks being recommended. Please note, it doesn’t guarantee it. Artists and labels identify songs that are a priority for them, and Spotify’s system will add that signal to the algorithms.

Did you know that today, 33% of all discoveries on Spotify happen via personalized recommendations in algorithmic contexts?! With Discovery Mode, artists and their teams can signal which tracks are most important to them within two personalized contexts, Radio & Autoplay. Read more on this here.

Spotify have released some important stats – read on for the facts – on average, artists will see 50% more in saves, 44% more in user playlist adds, and 37% more in follows during the first month of Discovery Mode.

Discovery Mode & RouteNote

We can offer Discovery Mode to our users – RouteNote is one of a handful of distributors with this access! Discovery Mode becomes available on tracks that hit a few minor criteria with Spotify and are at least 1 month old. As the service is currently manual in nature, we are only able to opt-in or out all of your eligible content. For this reason we have opted to opt-in all current and future releases that are eligible! Please get in touch with support@routenote.com if you have any queries regarding this.

Spotify helps one listener find a new artist 16 billion times in a month. Read that again! So this is a great tool for artists looking to market their music to new listeners.

Watch the following YouTube video from Spotify for tips on how to use Discovery Mode!

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!

See also:
Discovery Mode with RouteNote

What is Spotify’s tool Fan Study?
What is Spotify Enhance?

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