What is considered offensive audio?

Offensive content is different to explicit content – we don’t want you to cross the line!

Our partner stores require us to be very vigilant around potentially offensive, inappropriate, or discriminatory content, as there can be legal repercussions to uploading it. We know that music can be challenging, or deal with uncomfortable topics, and neither us nor our partner stores want to restrict this, but there are some things we’re not going to be able to accept:

  • Culturally offensive content
    This might be content mocking sensitive issues or events, e.g.: terrorist attacks, disasters, tragedies, etc. It’s possible to reference events like this in artwork in a respectful manner, but you’ll be at risk of some stores deciding not to accept your release because of it.
  • Discriminatory content
    Anything that uses stereotypes relating to, or promotes hatred towards, groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national/ethnic origin, or other identities, is unacceptable, even if it’s “just a joke”. Stores won’t accept it, and we don’t want to distribute it.
  • Threatening content
    Content that suggests violence towards a specific person or group, even if it’s not meant seriously, can’t be accepted. An example might be a political figure with a crosshair overlaid on them.

This might apply to either the audio content on a release, or the release metadata. There are also rules about what stores consider to be offensive artwork.

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!

See also:
When should I mark a release as explicit?
Can I use offensive content in my artwork?
Can I cover a song and use audio from the original track?

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