Can I include emojis in my artwork?

It’s the copyright fight! We’re afraid this one’s a loss ⚔️

We’re sorry…this one’s a no-go! Please avoid using any copyrighted emojis in your artwork.

Emojis are pictographs used to express emotion, to display feelings or to convey activities. The word ’emoji’, which comes from the Japanese language, basically means picture characters! Emojis are protected by copyright, so unfortunately, you can’t use them in your artwork. Sorry about that!

Please see our articles on common mistakes to avoid so you don’t have artwork copyright issues and things that you can’t include in your artwork.

Please also see our video below on how your album artwork should look!

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!

See also:
What is Artwork Copyright?
How can I prevent my artwork from being misleading?
Can I use any image for my release artwork?

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