How do I make a Competition on

🎶 The Winner Takes It All 🎶

Please note! Competitions are a premium feature only on For more on how to upgrade your account, click here.

Here’s how to make a Competition on

Head to
Click on Create New Link
Select Competitions

Step 1: Basic Details

Here’s where you’ll create the main chunk of your competition, all the necessary details. The title, URL, images, start and end dates are all to be filled. You also have the option of inputting a Facebook Pixel into your link, which means you can track visitors and retarget these fans using Facebook’s Ad Manager.

Click Next Step!

Step 2: Select Entry Actions

Here you’ll do exactly what it says on the tin, choose the actions you wish to set up and with which platform. Instagram, SoundCloud and Spotify have suggestions for the actions in which your fan will need to take to enter the competition, as shown below.

Click Next Step!

Step 3: Add Links

Here you’ll get the chance to add any further links to your landing page so your fans can easily access your content, platforms and pages aswell as entering the competition.

Click Next Step!

Step 4: Review & Launch

Here you can add a custom name if you wish, and click on Launch Link!

Your Competition will appear under Manage Competitions, as shown below:

If you have any issues or concerns, please contact Support.

Please see PUSH’s Support Hub for further guidance.

See also:
What is
How do I get my release links for stores?
How do I promote my music to a wider audience?

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