If it belongs to you, give us a clue 🔎
So your release has been sent back to you by our moderation team, and you need to prove your audio or backing track belongs to you. You must own 100% of the legal rights to the music that you’re distributing.
Please note! This is to verify that you have created the audio you are sending for distribution, this is not in regard to samples.
To prove you have created and you own the audio you have sent for review, please provide an original video recording of your DAW displaying your track to moderation@routenote.com. Please also provide your UPC and username!
Once you have sent the email, please press the send to moderation button at the bottom of the page, so the moderation team can review your release.
If you need to verify an artist, click here.
If you have any further queries regarding this, please email moderation@routenote.com!
If you have any other queries or concerns, feel free to get in touch with the Support team at support@routenote.com, creating a ticket or by using our Contact Us form.
See also:
What is copyright?
What is a YouTube copyright claim?
What is an exclusive sample?