What is an owned & operated (O&O) YouTube Channel?

It’s a you kinda thing 💅

An owned & operated YouTube channel is a YouTube channel created and controlled by you.

This is a great way to promote yourself as an artist as it allows you to post and promote any content (not just songs), such as ‘behind the scenes’ videos and more.

To create an owned & operated channel, please refer to YouTube’s article on channel creation.

An owned & operated YouTube Channel is also required if you wish to request an Official Artist Channel with YouTube. RouteNote can process these requests for you, all you need to do is ask!

Check out our video below for information on how to update your O&O channel!

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!

See also:
How can I get a YouTube Official Artist Channel (OAC)?
What are the benefits to having a YouTube Official Artist Channel (OAC)?
What is a YouTube copyright strike?

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