What is a YouTube copyright strike?

Three strikes and you’re out 🏏⚾

On YouTube, a copyright strike means that a copyright owner submitted a takedown request for using their copyright-protected content. Copyright law requires YouTube to process all valid copyright takedown requests. Strikes can be issued to uploaders who are unknowingly violating copyright rules, so YouTube does offer some leniency.

A video can only have one copyright strike at a time, and Content ID claims don’t result in a strike. If you have a Content ID claim from RouteNote, you can read more about that here.

Copyright strikes may also affect your ability to monetise, and your access to live streaming will be restricted for 7 days if your active live stream is removed for copyright.

To resolve a copyright strike, there are a few options! You can get in touch with the person who claimed your video and ask them to retract their claim of copyright infringement, or submit a counter notification to YouTube if you think your video was removed by mistake. You can also wait 90 days for it to expire.

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!

See More:
How do I notify RouteNote of a copyright infringement?
Can I sample content from YouTube?
What is copyright?

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