We know, it can look scary! Let RouteNote put your worries at bay, read below to send your troubles away. 🌊
If you’ve received a claim on your YouTube video that looks a little like this…

… this will be because your video contains music that was sent to the YouTube Content ID system by a RouteNote user. This could be either yourself, or another of our artists.
Distributing to YouTube’s Content ID system means that any video on YouTube that uses the sound asset will be claimed upon and monetized through advertising.
If you select YouTube as a store on your RouteNote release, this will submit your release to the YouTube’s Content ID system. To qualify for this, your release must not match with anything else during the moderation process. Check here for YouTube’s guidelines on what is eligible for Content ID.
If the claim relates to a release that you have distributed to YouTube Content ID yourself, we can release claims on videos for you upon request. Please provide the video URL(s) and the related ISRC or UPC of the track that is claiming to support@routenote.com.
We understand that Content ID can be confusing, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at support@routenote.com with any queries you may have.
You can find out more info by watching the YouTube video below!
If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!
See also:
How does YouTube’s Content ID system work?
How do I add my YouTube channel to the allow list to avoid content ID claims?
How does Facebook’s Content Recognition system work?