What is RGB?

This article will show you RGB’s true colours 🔴🔵🟢

RGB stands for red, green, blue. RGB is how images are displayed on digital panels, as opposed to CMYK which is a format used for printing images.

A light source within a device creates any colour you need by mixing red, green, and blue, and then varying their intensity, known as additive mixing.

All the colours on your screen, begin as entirely black or complete darkness, then red, green, and blue light are added on top of each other to brighten it and create the perfect pigment.

Fun fact! When red, green and blue light are mixed together at equal intensity, they create pure white.

One of the best file formats for RGB is JPEG also known as .JPG. This is the format your release artwork will need to be when uploading your release to RouteNote.

Check out our YouTube video below for more information on artwork!

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!

See also:
What are the album artwork requirements?
How to design your next album artwork
How do I upload my artwork?

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