What is the difference between a single, an EP, an album or an extended album?

The answer’s in the track number 🧠

Singles are 1 track , EPs are 2 – 6 tracks, Albums are 7 – 18 tracks, and Extended (EXTD) albums are 19 tracks or more. There’s no set definition for singles, EPs, albums and extended albums. Lengths vary between stores and distributors. We choose our definitions to favour most stores.

If you are going ahead with premium distribution, each release type has a different initial payment – the annual subscription fees however are exactly the same regardless of the number of tracks within your release. Click here for more information on free and premium distribution.

Check out the full RouteNote Style Guide here!

If you have any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us!

See also:
How do I merge single tracks into an album?
Which pricing model should I choose?

How do I format single track releases? 

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