Why do I need to prove a sample belongs to me?

We want to protect ALL artists, including you 🔓

If your release has been sent back to you by our moderation team for containing a sample, then you’ll either need to confirm that the sample belongs to you, or provide evidence that you have the rights to use them commercially.

We need to ensure that you have the rights to distribute the content to allow RouteNote to send the content to stores on your behalf. We do this to protect all artists’ work, including your own.

For further information on how to prove this, please head to our article here.

If you have any further queries regarding why you need to prove a sample belongs to you, please get in touch with our moderation team at moderation@routenote.com.

If you have any questions regarding RouteNote or our services, feel free to get in touch with us!

See also:
What is an exclusive sample?
What is a non-exclusive sample?
Where can I find samples?

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